Access to Equipment for Macromolecular crystallography
Robotics equipment for crystallization experiments on both campuses, including membrane proteins in the lipidic cubic phase and in bicelles.
UV crystal imaging capabilities on both campuses
High-throughput fluorometric analysis of macromolecular interactions
Services for Macromolecular Crystallography
Macromolecular Crystallography, from designing crystallization experiments to full structure determination and refinement
Support for macromolecular crystallography at the Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team (LS-CAT) at Sector 21 of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, including Remote Data Collection capabilities
Crystallographic data collection at LS CAT for internal and external users
Crystallographic structure determination for drug discovery projects
Access to Equipment for Electron Microscopy
Access to JEOL 1400 120 kV transmission electron microscope
Access to JEOL 3200FS 300 kV transmission electron microscope with Gatan K2 Summit Direct Electron Detector
Access to Gatan CP3 and FEI Vitrobot Mark IV cryoplungers
Access to EM grid preparation equipment
Access to computational Equipment
Powerful servers, including CPU and GPU clusters, to perform long and complex calculations
Software for structure analysis (Crystallography, NMR, EM, Modeling, Simulations and Drug Discovery)
Advanced graphics facilities for visualization/presentation of molecular structures
Access to data storage, including large parallel file systems and high capacity tape drives
Macromolecular Crystallography, from designing crystallization experiments to structure determination and refinement
CryoEM training for users, ranging from specimen development, specimen preparation, and TEM imaging to computational image analysis, and structure determination
Computational drug design and structural simulations